
Chapter 119 Although You Are So Smart, There Was a Flaw in Your Plan.

“The imperial clan of Zither’s formation graph?” Xu Chao said disdainfully, with a mocking look, “Do you think it can be of any use? We can get in even without the formation graph.”

Ronghua eyed him, “You are so confident. Do you think I have no idea that all those people are the cannon fodder of you?”

Xu Chao said, “Ronghua, it is not good for a woman to be too smart.”

“Too smart?” Was that what they thought of her?

It wasn’t that she was too smart, but only she knew a little more than them.

“It was the ancestors of the imperial clan of Zither that created the formation graph, and there should be no problem in defending here with the help of the clan’s terrain and the patriarch’s ability. But now, you broke the formation graph just by several punches. Don’t you think it was a waste?”

Xu Chao’s face clouded over with continuously changing expression, but even so, he still kept his tongue.


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