
Chapter 144 It's so hard to get a thick skin!

"Tranquility, they're going to drag us to our deaths by virtue of being outnumbered, what should we do?"

Rong Nuan said with a hint of disdain, his gaze as far as it could go, not putting them in his eyes.

Rong Tranquility wasn't in the mood to spend time with them, "Hurry up, Jing Lan's injuries won't last that long, she needs treatment."

"Yes!" Yung Nuan got the order!

The black sword in his hand came out, and with a flash of sword light, he headed towards the weak spot, and with a single pass, he resolved this group of bird people who did not have the eyes to try to stop them in three or two blows.

Rong Tranquility suddenly said, "Nuan, break their wings?"

Rong Nuan froze, so ruthless? But what Rong Tran said was never wrong.

Next, Rong Nuan waved the long sword in his hand that was covered with black gas towards them, slicing off the wings on their backs with a single slash, losing their wings, they fell down painfully, landing on the gr

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