
Chapter Fifty

Shannon’s POV

“Shannon, I’d like to apologize for Jules’ actions,” Cole began. “I can categorically say that he didn’t mean to harm you and that he was only bothered about your disappearance when the news got to him.”

“You don’t need to speak for him, Cole,” I answered, crossing my hands on my chest. “Jules isn’t sorry and we both know it. Besides, his apology means nothing to me.”

“If he had gone slightly crazy because of your disappearance, don’t you think it’s because he was worried that you might have gotten hurt if you didn’t come back home?” Cole asked me.

“You’re reaching, Cole.” I scoffed. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“You might think I’ve gone bonkers but think about it,” Cole insisted. “Why else would he be so bothered about you if it didn’t stem from a place of worry?”

“You need to stop with the insane storytelling, Cole,” Jules interjected this time and I hated to agree with him but he was right.

Cole was going crazy and he had to put a stop to whatever he was t
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