
Tortured (James POV)

I watched from the window as Rosa pulled away with Chris and Shawn.

Letting her leave after that kiss damn near killed me. I could feel Onyx tugging at the restraints in my mind.

Fuck. I’m more sure now than ever that Rosa is my mate.

But how do I bring him back to me? And how do I get her to see that she’s mine.

I’ve spent the last three years royally fucking up any chance I ever had to be with her. Hell, I don’t even want to be with me most days. Stuck in this constant fucked up loop of anger. I’ve been running in circles since the attack. Trying to find the person who orchestrated the demise of my pack has proven to be nothing short of infuriating.

But now, Rosa’s in the mix. How does she play a part in my life with Marina?

And how am I supposed to tell Marina to move out... I know she’s my mate. We felt the bond before the attack. She was there first. She’s my only tie left to my old life, and I’d just offered to throw her to the side for a chance with Rosa.

It’s all
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