
Chapter 7: The Plan

(Mirana’s POV)

“Mirana, we still haven’t found Daniel,” Allegra said

Mirana stood up from her chair and looks at Allegra. She doesn’t seem happy about the news.

“We have to find my dear brother Allegra or you and your family will die,” Mirana threatened Allegra

Allegra nods and walks away from Mirana. She has ordered hundreds of their ship to scan every planet in their universe. Mirana ordered an all-out attack to every planet who will not cooperate. Mirana is ruthless and witty. She wants to find her brother and accused him of treason for killing their parents. That is her plan not until Daniel escape with Arthur and Isolde. She is very angry that day that their own friends and relatives are executed in front her. Mirana is the younger sister of Daniel but even though she is young. You can tell that she is ambitious. She said to herself that she is destined to make great things and one of this is ruling Aleris.

“Did you find him?” Mirana ask

“Not yet your majesty,” Allegra said

“Idiot!” Mirana said. “Do I really need to do everything on my own?” she added.

Mirana walks outside from her castle and ordered Allegra to get their biggest ship which is the mother ship of Aleris. She is doing things now on her own ways. She have behind her thousands of soldier’s a boarding the mother ship. She is the one controlling the ships target planets. She also has her own council to discuss where Daniel could be. Mirana proceeds to the bridge to coordinate the journey they will accumulate. She not only ruthless but also strategic and intelligent.

“Set course to the nearest planet,” Mirana ordered

“Yes, your majesty,” an aleric said

They can travel fast through warping their ship to a very exact point in the universe. Aleris technology is more advanced and civilized than of earth. They can do lot of stuffs by the use of their technology. Aleris has become more powerful when Mirana succeeded the throne but a lot of innocents has suffered. Many planets have been destroyed when they didn’t obey Mirana’s orders.

“We will find you my dear brother,” Mirana said

(Daniel’s POV)

“No, she can’t possibly find us here,” Daniel said

“Daniel you forgot that your sister is intelligent that she can even manipulate every mind in Aleris,” Isolde said

“She won’t waste her time here Isolde,” Daniel said

“We don’t know that,” Isolde said

Isolde had pack all their things and now she is waiting for Arthur with the foods. A few minutes later Arthur appeared with lots of foods. Isolde take the food and told Arthur to be ready in less than an hour because they are leaving. Arthur nods and goes upstairs to get ready. Daniel stayed at the living room and still looking at the stars. Isolde looks at him.

“We have to go,” Isolde said

“No, I’m staying. You guys go,” Daniel said. “If I die, I will,” he added.

Isolde looks at him and tell him.

“You are our only hope in stopping her,” Isolde said

“But I love Alexa more,” Daniel said

Isolde let out a sigh of frustration. Then Arthur walk downstairs. Isolde have taken all the bags and the foods. She has stuffed them inside the car and Arthur looks at Daniel and then into Isolde. She shook her head and Arthur said no.

“We are not leaving him,” Arthur said

“He is hopeless,” Isolde said

“He is our king,” Arthur said

“Not anymore,” Isolde said

Arthur felt sad about Isolde and Daniel’s decision but they need to go now. So Arthur hops inside the car and starts its engine. Isolde who is still in the house, looks at Daniel and then left. They both left the house and Daniel looks at them as the car disappears through the night. He stayed and sleeps at the sofa. He wonders if love can save them. If he can save Alexa but nothing matters to him anymore. All he want is Alexa. He became more selfish as he loves Alexa. He didn’t think if others might get hurt. All he wanted was to be happy.

“I just wanted to be happy, to live a normal life. Isn’t that too much to ask?” Daniel ask himself

He fell asleep crying. Knowing that he is hopeless and alone.

(Mirana’s POV)

Mirana’s ship have arrive at their destination. They have landed in the land of the merchants and traders.

“Ah Kriskit,” Mirana said She ordered Allegra to threaten the people of Kriskit if they will not cooperate into telling them where Daniel went.  She watch as Allegra acts out her orders. Many people disobeys and she told Allegra to kill those people. Until a man steps forward claiming he know where Daniel went. Mirana told Allegra to take the man inside the ship for interrogation. She also ordered her soldiers to kill everyone on that Planet. She also said to bomb the whole planet after to make sure no one will escape. She had taken the man inside the ship and takes him in a room. The man was left alone and saw his friends and a lot of people whom he doesn’t know got killed. The massacre is over and the ship left the planet. Mirana now orders to blow the whole planet into dust. They got away quickly and the planet burst into nothingness. The man saw how his planet is blown up and how innocent people has been massacred. Then Mirana enters his room.

“Now you will suffer the same faith if you will not answer my every question,” Mirana said

“Tell me where Daniel went,” she added

“All I know is that they are travelling farther away from here. They got some supplies from my store and the woman talk to the man. I didn’t heard what they are talking about,” the guy said

“You seem to be telling the truth, is there anything else?” Mirana ask

“None,” the guy said

“Okay, thank you for your cooperation,” Mirana said

Mirana walks out the room leaving the guy behind. She told called Allegra.

“Kill him,” she ordered her

Allegra killed the guy and proceed behind Mirana. “What a waste of time and effort,” Mirana said. “Please remind me to not listen to people anymore and just proceed on killing them and destroying their planet. I couldn’t get a single answer where my brother is and it’s frustrating,” she added. Mirana has entered the bridge and set course to another planet. She travelled from planet to planet and kills people. Sometime she also destroyed some planets but not all. She had travelled the whole Celeste galaxy and still couldn’t find her brother. Until it occurred to her that her brother might not be in Celeste. She thought Daniel could have gone to another universe to run away from her. To get farther away from here just like what the guy from Kriskit said. She had set course to the next nearest galaxy. She saw the next nearest galaxy, NGC 224 or also known as ‘the Andromeda galaxy.’

“Let’s get inside this galaxy and look for planet,” Mirana said.

(Daniel’s POV)

Daniel wakes up in the sound of an alarm. He immediately stood up and saw Alexa at the front door. He opens the door and Alexa is holding some bag of foods. She told Daniel that Isolde had ask her to bring some food for Daniel. That they left without him. Isolde didn’t even tell the reason to Alexa and just hangs up the phone. Daniel started crying now and Alexa ask why.

“She has found us, I don’t know why,” Daniel said

“Who?” Alexa ask

“My sister,” Daniel said

“What I don’t understand Daniel?” Alexa said

“Mirana has ordered every aleric to travel from different planet and send signal if they saw me. One of those guys have travelled here on earth. He had send a signal to Mirana’s ships saying he saw me here. Mirana’s ship only need to get close enough to acquire that signal. Now if ever one of her ship have received that signal. That will send a message to the mother ship that they have already found me. Now every ship in the outer space will set course here on earth and will search every place here,” Daniel explains.

Alexa laughs at what Daniel said.

“You must be drunk,” Alexa said

“No Alexa, it is true,” Daniel explained

“No, you are tricking me. You, Isolde and Arthur,” Alexa said while laughing

Daniel stood up and got a knife from his pocket. He cut himself. Alexa got alarmed and looks at her bag to get a tissue. When she got one, she immediately pull Daniel beside her and put the tissue in Daniel’s wounds then she see that she has blue paint in her hands. Then she take the tissue away and saw that Daniel’s blood is blue.

“What the hell?” Alexa said

“I told you,” Daniel said

“Who are you?” Alexa ask

“I am Dan-niel from the planet Aleris. I am an aleric and my sister is Mirana. She killed our parents and tried to put the blame on me. She planned to execute me in front of everyone but hopefully I escape before she even got the chance to kill me. Now she is travelling from galaxies to galaxies to find me. I have seek refuge here on earth when I accidentally meet you and then fall in love with you Alexa Jones,” Daniel explained

“Oh my God,” Alexa

(Mirana’s POV)

“Are there any living planet in Andromeda?” Mirana ask

“We are still looking for some signs of life in the planet here,” an aleric said

Mirana’s patience is wearing thin. She needs to find Daniel now. She is contacting every vessel near her if they got a signal from every alerics that had landed on different planets. Still no information about Daniel. No signals or messages. Mirana has ordered her men to move on another galaxy near Andromeda. Then one of her men told her they spotted another galaxy near Andromeda. Mirana saw its name.

“The Milky Way,” Mirana said. “What a funny name for a galaxy,”

She ordered her men to set course for Milky Way. She wanted to see if there are any signs of life in the planets inside it. They immediately got in the opening of the Milky Way when a vessel contacted Mirana’s ship.

“We found him,” Mirana said as she reads the message in front of her screen

Mirana laughs maniacally. She knew she would find him. She then now ask the location of the signal that is transferred to her ship. It pointed to a little planet named “Earth.” She has set coursed on earth and ready to attack it. She also contacted every aleric vessel to set course on earth. They are going to plan an all-out attack on earth to get Daniel. She will not kill Daniel on earth but rather kill him on their home planet. When suddenly Mirana loses consciousness. Everyone around her shouted and deliver her to the med bay.

Mirana wakes up knowing she is dreaming. This is how dead people or even the people in the spiritual realm talks. Mirana saw her mother.

“Is this really your plan?” Maia ask her

“You made me do this,” Mirana said

“Darling, we have love you,” Maia said

“No mother, you never did,” Mirana said

“I’m sorry if we have to lie,” Maia said

“Don’t worry. I’m making sure everyone will watch how Daniel will die. Even those in the spirit realm,” Mirana said

Mirana wakes up and shouted at everyone to direct their blasters at earth. Mirana’s ship approach earth quickly. They waited for other vessels to come. She saw hundreds of ship warping into earth’s orbit. After a hundred, then thousands came. She felt so powerful that time. That even a small planet like earth won’t out run her wrath. She told everyone to prepare for war.  She called her council to make a strategy.

“We will go by land and water assault first, soldiers will stay high and low,” Mirana said. “Kill everyone on sight,” she added.

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