



Adrian led me up the short steps that led to the main door with his hand on the small of my back and I calmed down as I felt the heat of his body. He rang the doorbell and Stella appeared a few seconds later, a big smile forming on her face when she set her eyes on us.

"There is my favorite couple!" She exclaimed excitedly as she engulfed the both of us in a bear hug.

"Mom! I just styled that hair!" Adrian huffed as she roughed his styled hair and I giggled.

"What? I just can't help myself." She batted ber eyelashes at him innocently and I couldn't stop myself from giggling.

"Hey Stella." I waved at her with a smile and she grinned widely at me.

"Brianna! I thought you guys weren't going to show up." Stella uttered.

"Why would you think that? I promised to convince him to come and I did. I don't break my promises." I stated.

"Glad to see the both of you here. And I wonder how you got to convince Adrian, this dude is a stone!" She said and I chuckled.

"I d
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goodnovel comment avatar
Julia Barbier
amazing book

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