

The door swung open to reveal Vivian's mother, and at the sight of her, Vivian's emotions erupted like a dam breaking. Tears streamed down her face as she embraced her mother tightly. In the comforting embrace of her mother's arms, Vivian let her emotions flow freely, the weight of her troubles finding solace in the warmth of that maternal embrace.

Regina gently guided Vivian to a nearby couch, holding her as she wept. Her touch was soothing, her presence a balm to the pain Vivian felt. They remained there, mother and daughter, in a wordless connection that transcended any spoken language.

Eventually, as Vivian's tears subsided, she lifted her head from her mother's lap and looked into her eyes, her voice quivering with emotion. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this," Vivian managed to say, her voice laden with vulnerability. "It's not the way I wanted to welcome you."

Regina's gaze was filled with compassion as she gently stroked Vivian's hair. "My dear, you never have to apologize
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