
Chapter 6

Is this true?” Joe turned to the guard.

“I don’t know, sir. She came in demanding to see the Alpha,” the guard responded, glancing nervously at Selene.

“Please, it’s important. I need to speak with him,” Selene insisted, her eyes pleading.

Beta Joe sighed, considering. “Stay here,” he commanded, then used the mind link to inform Ethan of the situation.

A few moments later, Ethan appeared at the entrance, his imposing figure casting a long shadow. The guards and omegas instinctively stepped back, creating a path for him.

“What’s all this commotion about?” Ethan’s voice was calm but authoritative.

Selene’s heart raced. She stepped forward, her voice trembling. “Ethan, I need to talk to you.”

Ethan’s eyes narrowed. “Selene, what are you doing here? This is not the place for such matters.”

“I know, but I had to see you. I couldn’t wait,” she said, her voice breaking. “We need to talk about what happened that night.”

Ethan’s expression softened slightly, but he maintained his composure. “This is not the time or place for this conversation.”

Sia, who had been standing back, finally found her voice. “Alpha, please. She’s been restless and desperate to see you. She just wants to understand.”

Ethan looked at Sia, then back at Selene. “Fine. Follow me.”

He led them into a private room inside the palace. The guards and omegas dispersed, though their curiosity remained. Once inside, Ethan closed the door and turned to face Selene.

“Now, what is so important that you had to storm my palace?” he asked, his tone less harsh but still firm.

Selene took a deep breath. “I know you left me a letter and money, but I need to understand why. Why did you disappear?”

Ethan sighed, rubbing his temples. “Selene, that night was a mistake. I shouldn’t have allowed it to happen.”

“A mistake?” Selene’s voice wavered. “Is that all it was to you?”

“It’s not that simple. I have responsibilities, duties to this pack. I can’t afford distractions.”

“Distractions?” Selene felt tears welling up. “I thought we had a connection. I’ve been thinking about you every day since then.”

Ethan’s expression softened. “Selene, it’s not that I don’t feel anything. But my position comes with sacrifices. I can’t let personal feelings interfere with my role as Alpha.”

“But what if it’s more than just a distraction?” Selene insisted. “What if it’s something real, something worth fighting for?”

Ethan looked into her eyes, seeing the sincerity and pain in them. “Selene, you don’t understand the risks. Being involved with me means putting yourself in danger. Enemies would use you against me.”

“I don’t care about the risks,” Selene said, stepping closer. “I just want to be with you. Can’t we at least try?”

Ethan’s resolve wavered. “Selene, I… I don’t know if that’s possible.”

Sia, who had been silently observing, finally spoke up. “Alpha, sometimes taking risks is worth it. Maybe this is one of those times.”

Ethan looked at Sia, then back at Selene. He saw the determination in her eyes, the same determination that had brought her to his palace. He sighed deeply.

“Alright,” he said quietly. “We’ll talk. We’ll try to find a way. But you need to understand that this won’t be easy. There will be challenges.”

Selene nodded, her eyes filled with hope. “I understand. I’m willing to face them with you.”

Ethan reached out and took her hand. “Then we’ll face them together.”

For a moment, everything seemed to fall into place. Selene felt a sense of relief and joy.

Sia watched them, a small smile on her face. Despite the challenges ahead, there was hope. And for now, that was enough.

Ethan sighed, looking into Selene’s eyes. “Alright. We’ll talk. But first, let’s ensure you leave here safely.”

He turned to Beta Joe, who had been waiting just outside the door. “Make sure Selene and her friend leave the palace safely. No one is to harm them.”

Joe nodded, understanding the gravity of Ethan’s command. “Yes, Alpha.”

Ethan looked back at Selene. “We’ll meet again soon, under better circumstances.”

Selene nodded, a mix of relief and gratitude in her eyes. “Thank you, Ethan.”

As they walked out of the room, Sia gave Ethan a respectful nod. “Thank you, Alpha.”

Ethan nodded in acknowledgment, then turned to Joe. “Ensure they are escorted out without any issues.”

“Yes, Alpha,” Joe replied, then gestured for Selene and Sia to follow him.

They walked through the palace corridors, the atmosphere still tense but no longer hostile. Guards and omegas watched them pass, curiosity and speculation in their eyes, but no one dared to interfere.

As they approached the main gate, Joe spoke softly to Selene. “You’re brave to come here like that. The Alpha… he’s not an easy man to reach.”

“I had to try,” Selene said, her voice steady. “I needed answers.”

Joe nodded, a hint of respect in his gaze. “I understand. Just be careful. The Alpha’s world is dangerous.”

“I will be,” Selene promised.

At the gate, the guard who had initially tried to stop them stood waiting. His expression was a mix of confusion and relief as he saw Joe escorting them.

“They’re to leave safely,” Joe instructed the guard firmly.

“Yes, Beta,” the guard replied, stepping aside to open the gate.

Selene and Sia stepped outside, the cool air hitting their faces. Selene felt a wave of relief wash over her. She glanced back at the palace, knowing this was just the beginning.

Joe gave them a final nod. “Take care.”

“Thank you,” Sia said, her voice sincere.

Selene looked at Joe, gratitude shining in her eyes. “Thank you for understanding.”

Joe gave a small smile. “Good luck.”

As the gate closed behind them, Selene and Sia made their way to the waiting car. The driver, having witnessed the commotion, looked at them with wide eyes but said nothing.

Once they were seated, Sia let out a deep breath. “That was intense.”

Selene nodded, her mind still racing. “But it was worth it. I needed to see him.”

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