
Chapter 64: The Jewel Thief Who Wasn't

Sapphire's POV

I felt blood drain from my face as I struggled to find the words to defend myself. How could this have happened? I hadn't even seen the necklace, let alone taken it. What the hell was going on? Panic clawed at my chest while I stared at the necklace in Mrs Donovan's grasp, searching for an explanation but nothing came.

"You sneaky little thief!" Eric's mother boomed, stroking her jewellery. "Why am I not surprised at your despicable behaviour? You're a lowlife after all, a half-baked wannabe. You'd do anything to get a taste of the good life. As if trapping my son wasn't enough, you had the effrontery to steal from me."

"No! I didn't...I swear I didn't take anything! I didn't steal that. I have no idea how it got in my purse! You have to believe me. I'm innocent!" I finally found my voice, breaking my silence.

Patricia scoffed, "First you were going on and on about not knowing anything concerning my diamond necklace. Now that you've been proven to be a thief in front of
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