

I stirred awake to the sound of the slow patter of raindrops landing on the windows making a thumping sound. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, getting out from under the duvet, I positioned my feet in my slippers that were placed beside the bed. I timidly walked over to the window opening the drapes a bit, to look out. There’s always something so peaceful about watching the rain, I have been doing this every time since I was younger. I watched each delicate drop fall on the window racing one another to get to the bottom end of the window.

I continued to watch the world outside as it rained, lost in its unique beauty. After a couple more minutes, I walked back to bed, kicking off my slippers, tucking myself under the duvet, as I laid back down, my skin accidentally brushed William’s and I sat up immediately, shocked at the heat radiating from him. I stretch my hand and place it on his forehead, to feel his temperature

Shit! He was burning up badly.

I picked up my phone from the side table
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