
67... Family dinner...


It kinda feels different laying on the bed without Ryan by my side, especially when all I can think of is my moments with him, all the happy and romantic ones. Before finally dozing off at night, I do a lot of tossing and turning.

On the day I'll be having dinner with Ryan's family, he picked me up from my home, looking all tired and worked up that I felt sympathetic towards him for the lack of rest he's having.

I took in his office outfit and knew immediately that he had drove here straight from the company.

The memory of the last kiss we shared in the car seems to be fresh in his brain as it is with mine. I noticed he was avoiding my gazes which is really a weird thing to do for Ryan. He always likes to maintain eye contact, especially with me, that I even lost to him most times.

I observed his taciturnity--another weird character from him. I guess he realized we are taking the relationship too far and he is trying to create space, but I don't feel too comfortable with
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