
Chapter 6

   Craig lay in the hospital bed, his body still aching from the beating he had received from the mafia henchmen. He couldn't shake the thought of his twin brother, who he hadn't seen in years,

As he lay there lost in thought, his colleagues from the kick boxing training camp came to visit him,

"Hey man, how are you feeling?" asked one of his colleagues.

"I've been better," Craig replied, still lost in thought.

"Is there anything we can do for you?" asked another colleague.

Craig hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Actually, there is, I need your help, I believe that my girlfriend might come to the camp today because I called early hours of today, she might want to check on me, and the camp authority might not allow her to see me, please, help me be on the lookout for her” Craig said, 

“That's not a problem, Craig,” one of his colleagues, Martins said, 

“How can you say that there's no problems, have you met his girlfriend before, did you know her?“ another friend, named Bobby asked, 

“You are right, what's the name of your girlfriend Incase she come looking for you?“ Martin's asked, 

“Angela” Craig retorted, 

“Okay, we will let the securities know about her coming” Bobby said, 

Thank you comrades” Craig said, 

“You are welcome, we will be leaving now to the entrance to make the securities knows about the coming of your girlfriend” Bobby said, 

Craig's colleagues made their way out of the hospital ward, and headed to the entrance.where they met the securities, and they explained to him about the coming of a sick comrade girlfriend, and they returned to the ring where they were undergoing training, 

Meanwhile, Craig girlfriend and his coach are already on their way coming, and when they arrived at the entrance, nothing much to explain, because Craig coach was with Angela, they opened the gate for them, and the coach drove Into the camp and headed to the medical center where they met Craig laid on the hospital bed, 

The coach and Angela was surprised to see his conditions, and the said, “Craig, we have gone a long way, and this encounter with all these criminals are becoming frequent, you know what I mean” “It s there anything we need to know about your past before you chooses to be a career man?“ the coach asked, 

“Hmm, I started nursing my ambition of becoming a kick boxer when I was six years old, though, I have a Identical twin brother, that left home when we were six years because I used him to practice a kick boxing then, and he stabbed me at my back, and Immediately he saw blood gushing out of my body, he ran away from home, and since then he never returned home” Craig explained, 

“Did you know anything about him, can you recognize him?“ The coach asked while Angela was watching Craig with sympathy, 

“I can't say anything about him, and I don't know how he looks like, but one thing that I believed that we are identical when we were young before he left home” Craig explained,

“Do you think your twin brother might engaged In shady activities?“ the coach asked,

“Nothing Is Impossible, but I can't say precisely” Craig retorted, 

“Craig, we need to find out about these people trailing you, and they were always ask about packages and money” Angela Inquired, these Is becoming too much, and if we didn't switch Into action, they might go extra miles” she said, 

“You are right, but those people are difficult to track down because they lived underbelly of the state, but we need to Involve police” the coach said, 

“I don't think they're need for that for now, It might make matter worse because police might arrest Innocent and wrong people” Craig said, 

“You are right, but what do you want us to do for you so that these people can stop trailing you” the coach asked, 

“I think, we need to find my twin brother, his name Is Collins, and I believed that we have everything In common except our activities” Craig said, 

The coach and Angela exchanged looks before one of them spoke up. "We'll do whatever we can to help, Craig, just give us clue of how to get him or how to track him down, and I want you to tell us more about him" the coach said, and he smiles, 

Craig smiled gratefully at them, too, "Thank you. I don't know where to start, but I do know that my brother might be involved with some bad people when he grew up, and maybe those group of criminals that attacked always you can give us some leads." the coach explained, 

Angela and the coach nodded, determined to help Craig in any way they could, 

A while later, the nurse came to excuse the coach and Angela that the doctor Is coming to see Craig In few minutes time,

Angela and the coach left the hospital building, and they returned to their village with the promise of coming back later after their findings, 

Meanwhile, at the mafia lord's headquarters, Alfonso was seething with anger,  He still believed that Craig had been deceiving him, and he believes that Craig Is Collins that he had been searching for months, 

"He must have been wearing a wire," Alfonso muttered to himself. "That's the only explanation for why he didn't have the money he owed me." Alfonso said, 

One of his henchmen spoke up. "Boss, we searched him and we didn't find anything. He wasn't wearing a wire," 

Alfonso glared at him. "Then how do you explain his lack of funds?" Alfonso asked, 

The henchman shrugged. "Maybe he spent it all." the henchman said, 

Alfonso didn't buy it. He was convinced that Craig was up to something, and he was determined to find out what it was,

Back at the hospital, Craig's colleagues was still at the lawn waiting for the message from the securities, 

A few hours later, Craig's colleagues made their way to the hospital, and one of them said, “Angela didn't come today, she might be here tomorrow”  Bobby explained, 

“Craig laughed, and he asked, which Angela, my girlfriend, she had come and she had gone” he explained, 

“But we were beside the entrance gate” Martin's said, 

“She came with my coach In the car” Craig explained, 

“Oh, I see, that's why we didn't see her when she came, anyway, no problems, she had came and she's gone back” Bobby said,

“You are right, Martin's said, 

“Okay, let's go back to the room before training time Is up” Martin's said, 

Craig's colleagues made their way out of the hospital, and they walked down to their rooms, 

A few days later, Craig was discharged from the hospital, and he returned to his normal training routine, 

When Craig was on his night workout, he managed to recognized one of the men that  attacked Craig under the Influence of Alfonso, Craig stopped and greeted him politely, and he asked, “can we vibe together” 

“How can I vibe with a stranger?“ the man asked, 

“I don't mean harm, I just have some questions to ask from you concerning the Issues going on, probably, I might be of help, and you might help me too” Craig explained, 

“Bro, please, let me go, I don't understand what you are talking about” the henchman said, 

“Don't be stupid bro, I understand more that you do, I'm Craig, and you are looking for Collins, believe me, I can help you get the money, but on one condition” Craig said smiling, 

“Did you promised that you will help us get the money?“ he asked, 

“Yeah, but you will have to meet up with my conditions” Craig said, 

“What's your condition?“ the henchman asked, he knows that he was alone, and he was dealing with a kick boxer all alone, the henchman knows that he can Implicate him or beat him up with technics, so he quietly cooperate with Craig, 

“You need to tell me everything you know about Collins, I want to know more about him” Craig said, 

“Are you telling me that you are not Collins?“ the henchman asked, 

“Do you want to tell me that you don't know the differences between me and tthe man you have been dealing with for more than a decade?“ Craig asked, “tell me It I am wrong” he said, and he smiles, 

“Anyway, I could see some little changes, but not much,” the henchman retorted, “tell me, If you are not Collins, you must be twin brothers” he said, 

“You might be right, but It's difficult for me to believe that Collins Is still alive because since he had eloped from home when he was six, I haven't set my eyes on him” Craig said,  

“are you for real?“ the henchman ssked, 

“Yeah, I can't recognize him” Craig said, 

 After much pressure and discussions, the henchman agreed to vibes with Craig In one of the coffee shop around, and they walked to the nearby coffee shop, 

As they sat at a table, sipping their drinks, the man told Craig what he knew about Collins, 

and he said, “I haven't seen your brother in a long time," he said. "But the last time I saw him, was the day Alfonso supplying him packages, and since then we have been out for him” he said, 

Craig changed looks, knowing that this was a real clue, and he smiles, “do you know where we can find him?" asked Craig.

The henchman shook his head. "I'm sorry, I don't know where to find him, we had tried to track him down, but Collins walked like a ghost, he doesn't stay In a place, and  In a situation like this." the henchman explained, 

Thank you, but I will appreciate It you can feed me with every necessary Information about Collins” 

“I will try my best” the henchman said, 

After the meeting, Craig returned to the training camp frustrated and devastated, because he was crestfallen. He knew that if his brother was working for the mafia, there was a good chance he was already dead,

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