
Chapter 84 - The Worst Day

It was all very Hollywood movie like.

Everything turned to a blur before his eyes, maybe it was the tears that sprung to his eyes or just the shock messing with his mind, he didn't know.

But he couldn't really see much through the blur as Asher was pushed into the Intensive Care Unit, leaving Cailen standing with nothing but the wall to hold him up because his legs certainly weren't doing the trick.

He was vaguely aware that he may have screamed, that he had drawn somewhat of a crowd, people all staring at him wondering what his problem was but he didn't care about them.

He cared that Asher, his husband, the man he loved, was lying unconscious on a gurney in the ICU when he was supposed to be at home, cleaning the flat or watching television.

He didn't care if he was making a scene, he didn't care that his knees had given out, buckling underneath him as he slid to the floor, face buried in his hands.


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