
Chapter 45


After I cleaned up the mess in that asshole’s cell (I left the metal catheter in his dick because that was a fucking genius move on Lukas’s part), and locked him back up, I took a shower in the warrior barracks, since I didn’t want to bring any of that dickhead’s blood into my apartment with Chloe.

Not because she’d freak out if she saw it — my little wolf was as tough as nails — but because I didn’t want to smell his stench ever again, or taint our first home together with it.

The shower was quick, but refreshing. I needed it to refocus my mindset as well. Torturing prisoners put me in a darker place, and I always needed time by myself afterwards to pull out of it.

But I also knew being in Chloe’s presence would help, so I didn’t take as long as I normally would. Plus, my dragon had been acting weird all morning since we had left her sleeping peacefully, pacing back and forth in my head and pushing me to go be by our mate’s side.

When I opened the door to our apartment in th
Allie Carstens

Dragon Baby!!!

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