
Chapter 42: Calling On Light - Isolde

Darkness is descending on the forest, but this is no natural darkness. It’s like an expanding black hole, devouring all light around it. The air is suffocating with a foreboding chill that has my magic flaring in response. My magic is front and centre, ready for my command as I keep Valeria tucked behind me. I need to get her out of here.

As I continue to look into the growing darkness I see the smokey outline of moving figures, and soon I can make out five pairs of glowing purple eyes in the distance trained in our direction and I feel my stomach drop to my toes.

“When I open the portal, jump through it as fast as you can,” I order her.

“What about you?” She asks with concern.

“Would you just do as I say?” I whisper yell, frustrated that she won’t just follow a simple instruction. Each precious second she wastes, those figures move closer.

“I’m not going anywhere without you, and you can’t fucking make me. What did I tell you about the self-sacrificing bullshit?” She chastises m
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