
Chapter 45: Her Resolve - Mei

I wasn’t sure what to expect when we stepped into that room, but I definitely didn’t expect to see Qiang in such a horrible state, and Nuo at his side looking more distraught than a person should ever be. As soon as we entered her head snapped up to me.

“Mei! Please! Please help him! Please don’t let him die!” She cries in Mandarin.

Oshmin said my people needed me, that they needed saving. This is the sort of thing he was talking about. Qiang and Nuo risked their lives to protect me, and this was the punishment, I just know it. Of course, I have to help them, I owe them that much.

I don’t even think, I just run to their side and kneel beside Qiang. He almost looks how Chris did when he was poisoned with wolfram – a moment I never want to relive.

I close my eyes and let that familiar warm light inside me rise up and build in my chest. As I open my eyes I feel them take their reptilian form while I place my hand on Qiang’s chest and push the light towards my hand. As I do, I feel it
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goodnovel comment avatar
I love seeing Mei coming more into her own.

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