

I look up to look at my mates. They were both looking very furious.

“Oh Sophia! I am sorry you have to pass through all this”. Xavier said as he hugged me tight.

It feels good to finally tell them. My heart felt lighter.

“We are going to make them pay for what they did to you!.” Xiao promised.

“That won’t be necessary, I have left everything into the hands of the moon goddess. She will avenge me on the long run.” I stated. I don’t want to have anything to do with that pack again. I just want to forget about them completely.

“O Sophia, it needs to be done. They can’t not get away with such behaviors.” Xavier explained. I shook my head at them.

“No! I don’t want anything that will cause a fight between the two packs. Please let it slide. Karma's a bitch and will bite them one day.” I said trying to persuade the twins not to think about whatever is on their mind.

“Try to understand Sophia! It’s not only because of you we want to do this. Have you thought of if they have done such unfair
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