


It has been almost fifteen minutes since Alden went to inform Rowan of my presence and I have been locked in a staring match with Gaines.

Fifteen minutes.

I swear it.

He had locked eyes with me in a defiant and challenging scowl and teg. damn alpha genes in me will not let me look away.

So, yes.

Two grown men have been having a pissing sans staring match with each other to the amusement of anyone that passes by.

“She will see you,” Alden's voice breaks the contest and we both look over at him

I didn't even hear him walk up to us.

Childish, Viktor.

You are supposed to be more mature than this, allowing a mere pup to get under your skin.

“She will?” I ask in delighted surprise.

“She will?” Gaines asks in dismayed surprise.

“Yes, she will. But first, we need to ensure that you are alone, as you claimed,” he answers.

“Of course,” I agree. “Um, how are you going to do that?”

“We have already sent out wolves to check the perimeters and any other place they might be hiding,” he answe
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