


“So, how did it go?” Andre asks the moment I get out of the car.

I am beyond exhausted.

What I thought would take only an hour, a couple tops, took the whole bloody day.

I can’t blame them though.

I am asking there to put away their preconceived notions and support a bunch of wolves.

“It was exhausting,” I mutter as I get in. “They wanted to know everything. Everything about the coalition.”

“Did you tell them?”

“Of course, not,” I mutter as I head in to the mansion. “One of them might get into their head and try to use that information against them. I just told them the bare basics. The rogues want nothing from the packs expect to be left in peace. And as long as that happens, they have nothing to fear.”

“Did they believe you?”

“Most of them did. Just two has reservations but they will go along with the others so as not to be the odd ones out.”

“That is good. Good,” he murmurs as we walk into my bedroom and take a seat on the bed.

“What about you?” I ask as I begin undressing.
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