


I leaned against the wall stuffing the black crystals inside the cigarette I was carrying, with my eyes slightly on the horizon. The loud laughter, which I knew belonged to Hendrik and his ten friends was unignorable. I carefully burnt the butt of the cigarette gracefully as the flavor of petrol filled my mouth.

I slowly closed my eyes enjoying the flavor. The sound of the door clicks opening caught my attention. I quickly peeled my eyes open and stared at Geno who had stepped out from his apartment which was beside the steps, I was standing on.

“Why were you following me today?” I asked placing the cigarette behind my back.

“Excuse me?” he asked sliding his hands inside his jean jacket’s pockets.

“I saw you, and that girl friend of yours”

“Anastasia?” he asked.

“I don’t know and don’t care,” I rudely replied.


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