

( Charlotte’s POV )

I feel the sunlight burning my face. Oh dear lord, it's too early.

Where's the fucking moon when you need it? Damn you sun!

Squinting, I groaned as the burning light hit my eyes.

"What the?! Maddox! Why are the blinds open?!" I yell. I shield myself from the light and sit up from Maddox's bed. "Maddox, where are you?" I yell.

All I hear is the tic of the clock. I don't sense Maddox's presence anywhere.

"Maddox?" I erratically jumped out of his bed.

"Maddox?" My breathing hoists up. No. This isn't what I think it is. He can't do this to me.

"Maddox?" I call for his name repeatedly. He'll come back. I know he will. I shuffle around his dorm room with a panicked face. Going back to his bedroom I look for his phone and find it in its exact spot. It's where he always keeps it.

I frustratingly comb my hand through my hair.

Scrolling through Maddox's contact I select his dad's number. I press the phone to my ear and silently pray that everything's okay.

"Maddox?" Alpha R
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