
Convergence of Rivals

Michael POV:

I calmly finished my bottle before rising to leave. I walked out through the door and there he was standing all alone, he turned around when he heard footsteps behind him. Our eyes met

I felt the sudden shift in air, the air around us was charged with tension, like the moment before a thunderstorm. Two enemies stood facing each other, each unwilling to yield. Our eyes locked in a fierce, unblinking gaze, like two predators sizing each other up before a brutal battle.

It was as if the whole world had fallen silent, leaving only the sound of our beating hearts echoing in the otherr ears. Our bodies were rigid, like coiled springs ready to unleash their full power at a moment's notice.

The atmosphere crackled with animosity, as if the very air was thick with the mutual hatred. We were like two flames, flickering and dancing in the darkness, waiting for the other to make a move so they could engulf each other in a fiery inferno.

The tension was palpable, like a tightrope st
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