

"Mom, why don't you tell me the truth?" Kieran asked as he drove her home.

She looked better than when he had first seen her. It was as if life had suddenly returned to her. Her face looked brighter and she was getting better, she had calmed down and the tears ceased as well.

"What truth?" she asked looking out the window to avoid any form of eye contact they might have.

"About what happened"

"Nothing happened," she said trying her best to sound happy as possible. "I had not been exercising for a while now so I decided to just take a little walk around the neighbourhood"

"Nas you found yourself forty minutes away?"


"Forty minutes drive away from the house?" he asked again.


"If you were taking a walk why did you call me then?"

"Turns out I left my phone at home and could not figure out the way back home" She lied.

Kieran could easily detect that lie, she was always
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