
The Miscarriage


“I'm sorry but we lost the baby”.

The royal doctor announces, stepping out of Azalea's room. I meet his gaze with a steely resolve, my expression masking the storm raging within me.

“What did you say?”. I command, my tone as cold as ice. I heard him, but I wasn't quite sure what sense to make out of his words.

He hesitates for a moment, balls of sweat cascading down his hairline before repeating. "We lost the baby".

Jenna gasps, throwing a baleful gaze my way before letting out a loud wail. Her eyes looks like they're about to pop out of her socket while the royal doctor's words swirls around me like a cloud of poisonous fumes.

Theoretically, I understand what they mean but I can't comprehend them. Lost the baby means no baby. No baby means no offspring of Andras Monet. No offspring of Andras Monet means no heir from Andras Monet.

For a fleeting moment, the world seems to stop spinning and the walls of my carefully constructed fortress crumbles around me, leaving me vulner
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