
Chapter 81 Energized (II)

Looking at the neon energy in Leo's hand, a wistful look came over the faces of the rest of the group.

As the only girl other than Sophia in the same class of trainees at Camp Zemu, Carl and the others were naturally impressed with Catherine.

The impression of Catherine, in addition to having long bright blonde hair, carries a face of innocence and holiness.

Compared to Sophia's almost feminine personality, Catherine was a bit more on the ladylike side.

On normal days, her performance in the small team was actually not very bright, who would have thought that after joining the Imperial Shield, Catherine would be able to use her neon energy to enter the elite team of the Imperial Shield in one fell swoop.

Just by virtue of the Imperial Shield's Special Operations Unit being able to be on par with the Imperial Sword's Warhammer Unit, it was clear how strong the Special Operations Unit was.

"I don't know if I'll have another chance to see them this t

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