
His Confusion

[Atticus’ POV]

I toss and turn as images of that woman who came to find me with Vance keep appearing in my mind. She insisted that we were acquainted, but for the life of me, I couldn’t remember her, and even Vance seemed confused by this fact. Was it me that was forgetting something, or was it some elaborate trick to try to do something? I didn’t know, but by the time the sun began to rise, I gave up on sleep and decided to go pay August a visit.

Maybe he could concoct something for me to take to try to stir up memories, but would he be willing to help me this early after a long night in the club?

Deciding it was worth a try, I quickly get dressed and then head downstairs. Stopping at the bottom of the stairs, I take in my living room, which is still in complete disarray, and debate whether or not I should attempt to clean it before going anywhere, but in the end, I decide against it.

Kicking aside a lamp, I make my way out into the bright day and then make my way to Morte Diem while
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