
Fifty-eight: lives on the line


"You don't have to do this," My throat burning as my words barely make a sound. The dry blood caked on my skin is slightly chipping away. My body smells like blood and body odor. My hair is oily and filled with blood. My face is swollen, my eyes barely able to open. I only wonder how I’m not a corpse.

"We don't have to. But we want to." Vicki replies, changing the cloth on my stab wound.

I’m almost surprised she heard my words seeing as how she couldn’t seem to care when I was screaming.

I’m tired of being in this room with these people. Anyone in my situation would be. The only problem is Alec would be in danger if he tried to save me. My freedom and safety isn’t worth his life.

Did my father give him our whereabouts already? Alec could be on his way here already.

Then all of a sudden, I hear the all-too familiar sound of a gun go off. I tense up, fearing that it is Alec. Of course he would immediately rush to save me, putting everyone’s life on the line just for me. W
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