
Forty-three: two hearts break


I lay under the mounts of covers on top of me. All I remember is closing my eyes after I fell into the river. But here I am... in a bed.

I shoot up as Kenli steps out of the bathroom. "Oh! You're awake! I'm so glad!" She walks over to me and sits on the edge of my bed.

"Who brought me here?" I ask her. I look down and notice I am in different clothes. My heart speeds up. Someone saw my cuts.

"Alec and his guys did. And so did Chris and I. Alec carried you here..." She explains, her eyes not leaving me once.

Oh shit. This isn't good. Austin is gonna find out. Fuck. Maybe if he just beats me to death he will be satisfied? I only hope that it will be quick.

"Who changed me??" I ask frantically. "I did." Sadness laces her eyes. She saw. "Who did you tell?" I ask, grabbing her arm roughly. She winces, "No one!"

I stare at her, thinning out my lips as she looks at her feet. I let go of her arm, apologizing to her. I watch her open her mouth to speak, but I hold my hand up to sile
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