
Chapter 27

"No! I'll be draining you if I do. No, I wouldn't do it." I said in a firm and determined voice.

"No, you won't. You won't let yourself drain me. You can do it." Cool said encouraging me.

I tried to focus once again but every time I started to feel his energy creeping into my body, I immediately withdraw.

"Fhyra! Look at me." He called out and gently cupped my face to force me to look at him.

"Focus. Try to feel my energy without taking it. You would feel it creeping into yours, you must stop it." He instructed while staring directly at my eyes.

I inhaled a deep breath before I closed my eyes and tried to feel his energy again.

'You can do this!' he cheered through my mind.

I felt a gushing wave of energy spread into my body before I felt Cool's body suddenly fell into mine.

"Cool!" I called out as soon as I opened my eyes and carried half of his weight.

He was panting so hard and bullets of sweats are forming on his forehead.

"I told you I can't do it!" I said, already on the verge of crying.

He weakly opened his eyes to look at me.

"It's okay. You were able to stop on time. That's already a breakthrough." He said while catching his breath.

I wanted to cry as I help him to the nearest bean bag inside Hailec's training room to rest.

As soon as he sat on the bean bag, he closed his eyes and covered it using his arm.

'You look exhausted'. I taunt him.

'I told you I can't, but you just don't listen,' I added.

He took his arm off his face and bored his eyes on me.

"I'm too exhausted to talk to you that way." He said which made me chuckle. I instantly felt better.

I just let him rest there for a while, I looked around the room for something to do.

Hailec's training room was like six mundane gyms altogether. It was filled with types of equipment that the mundanes usually use and some unidentified things as well.

I went near a weird-looking blue mirror, wondering why it was there.

I tried to touch it and I instantly felt my finger got wet. I examined it and realized that it was actually water.

"That's a liqua manor. We used it to train young glacias in using their abilities." I turned around behind me when I heard Cool talk and I found him staring at me while he was still seated on the bean bag.

"You wanted to try it?" he asked and he stood up.

"Hey! You should rest more!" I scolded and tried to push him back to the beanie bag but he was so adamant to let me try it.

"Now, breathe deeply and feel the water as soon as you felt it touch the tip of your finger." He instructed while he held my hand towards the mirror.

"Let's see if you can do this," he murmured.

"There. Feel the water. Held it in your heart—" I abruptly opened my eyes when he suddenly stopped talking.

I immediately saw the astonishment plastered all over his face as he gazed down on my hand in the mirror.

I looked down as well to see what took his attention. My eyes widened when I saw a moving dragon made of water on my palms.

"Prince Ice... he never trained you in using this, right?" he asked still looking at the figure I made.

I shook my head, still staring at the water dragon ln my palm.

I can do this?

"Wow," I can't but to feel good that I can also do this. That I also got something from my dad.

"Looks like you need to work harder for your energy-consuming ability since we'll work on your glacia persona afterward," he said smiling.

Three days passed on like that. Both Sassy and I are under training with Hailec and Cool as our trainers.

And finally, it was time for me and Ignis to go back to the palace.

"You haven't left anything behind?" Cool asked as he stands by the door frame of the room Hailec prepared for me.

I shook my head as an answer and let myself fall on the soft mattress for the last time.

"I'll miss it here." I murmured.

"You like it here?" he asked as he also lay down on the bed beside me.

"It's much better than in the palace," I answered honestly.

"And you're here," I added in a low voice.

"I'm also in there. You just couldn't see me."

"Then let me see you!" I whined like a child, I earned an earful of chuckles from him.

"Alright. I'll try then." He said sounding like he had just compromise.

We silently lay down there for a while.

'What are you thinking?' He asked.

'Just... stuffs'. I answered back using our telepathy.

'What stuffs?' he probed.

I let go of a sigh and rolled over the bed to face him.

"What if I don't go back in there? That place was evil, I don't know how my mom survived it there. It was such a suffocating place." He moves a bit, laid by his side, and stared at me as he listen to my thoughts.

"Just hang on a little bit. I'll figure out something to take you out of there." I was taken aback by his answer.

"Maybe your parents thought that the Flamis would be a better place for you since they didn't know you also have the ability of a glacia." He added.

He already started to train me with the basics of a glacia's ability. According to him, my glacia persona was too willful for my own good.

He said I should learn to control it or it may take over me someday.

That thought scared me. So I trained harder and listened attentively with his every instruction and lectures.

"Where would we go? Glaciers?" I asked in curiosity.

"Probably." He answered shortly.

"What happened after the war? Can Sassy and I go back to the mundane world?" I asked after a long while of silence.

I saw how his expression changed a bit before it came back to his usual 'i-don't-care' look.

"I think Sassy can go back. But I'm not sure about you. You're a princess for two kingdoms." My shoulder sagged after hearing what he said.

"You don't like it here?" he asked.

"No, it's not like that. This place is great. But I don't think I'll ever get used to it."

He gave me a slight smile and gently caressed my head.

"Give yourself some time. Let the place grow on you." He said as his hand made its way to my cheeks and using his fingers, caressed on it gently, giving me a warm feeling despite the coldness of his touch.

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