
Chapter 5. New World

"We're here," dad said as he pulled over the shiny new automobile next to a wooden fence bearing the Tribian mark.

Neither Avi nor I have ever seen the inside of Tribus Academy, though she may have seen it already. The ivy-covered old wooden gate and fence were very substantial in height. The wall and gate looked like they cost a fortune to build. Since no one else seemed to be in the building, Avi felt a sense of mystery and anticipation about the place.

"Cool! This is like the movies I’ve binge-watched! Like students go to an out-of-this-world school and they discover their powers. The cliche still feels so exciting when they come into actuality!" Avi clapped her hands as we gazed at the tall gate of Tribus Academy. "Papa, can we go now?"

My suspicions were verified when Dad got out of the car to assist my siblings and me in exiting the building. After opening the door to the vehicle, he proceeded to the trunk of the vehicle and placed the two suitcases of a medium size that had been supplied to him by Sir Mikael inside. The time that is spent at a dorm during the week will be contrasted with time spent at home on the weekends.

It seemed as though Avi had the strategy well under control. The thrilling new experience of learning the regulations of the academy from Sir Mikael was a highlight. She was still too young to have the desire to venture out on her own or look for novel experiences.

"Everything all set?" dad said hopefully. His eyes revealed a hint of concern and melancholy. He had something else in mind entirely than this. Everything happened far too quickly, and now we are unable to move on because Trinity has her grip on the planet. In the end, we were powerless to do anything.

I ran up to him as quickly as I could and gave him a big bear hug when I got there. Even if it just lasted for five days, it felt as like it would be a challenge and occupy a significant amount of time. They were being interviewed by a company affiliated with Trinity at the moment, and this will be the first time that my mother and I will be physically separated from them. Tribus had been keeping their promises to us, which included providing us with a lovely home, excellent employment for both of my parents, and a high-quality education for both Avi and me. I had high hopes that the agreement would also include a peaceful lifestyle. 

"Look after your sister. I am aware that you would, but you are aware that Avi is Avi, right? Her insatiable appetite for knowledge is unquenchable."

"I will, dad. We'll see you on Friday," I said softly. "Tell mom we will be excited for her chicken chop suey when we get home."

My dad messed with my hair and made it look unkempt. As he signaled for Avi to come closer, his face broke into a grin. "Come on," he said. She had been observing both of us for some time at this point. It was almost as if she had been planning for this event from the very beginning. "Please try to act appropriately, Avi. What actions are strictly forbidden at all times?"

Avi chimed in with a response as if she had memorized the most appropriate response my parents had told her constantly, "Don't go smashing everything. I should always try to find my sister when things go awry."

Once again, our father cracked a smile. He kissed Avi and me on the head, tenderly pressing Avi's left cheek. "When Friday rolls around, I'll be there to pick you up. Act in accordingly, please?"

We kissed and hugged our father. Before I pulled the handle of the suitcase out of the bag, I took one last look at it. The anguish and terror that he had been trying to conceal all along were visible in his eyes. I had the impression that this was the very last time that my family and I would spend a day together that was absolutely typical. To put it more succinctly, I was frightened. My gut feelings have never led me astray, even when I was a young child.

"Stella, let's go!" Avi was ahead of me when she called me. She was already in front of the gate and waiting for me to open it.

Dad had already left, and we were standing in front of the big gate. I held my sister’s hand. We both looked up at the Tribus seal. The two large doors that make up the gate opened spontaneously in just a few moments.

My chest was heavy. Avi's hands, which had been noisy earlier, have also become cold.

She gently shook my arm and whispered, "Sister, I think I need to pee."

The gate opened. In my mind, it ushers in a brand-new era. We entered a gated community of white, contemporary structures and lush landscaping. After walking along a long brick-paved route, we come to what looked like the main building: three squares stacked on top of each other, with the Trinity seal in the middle. There were already students present, all of whom appeared to be engaged in different activities: some were reading on a bench in the formal garden, others were playing football on the right side, and still others were chatting under the trees that bordered the brick patio on both sides.

Nobody bothered to look at us or even greet us. Maybe they were used to new students entering the academy every day.

We were a few meters towards the main building when I heard Avi again, who was right next to me. "Sister, I like it here. It's beautiful! It's spacious. Then there are handsome men!"

I rolled my eyes over her statement. "Don't be fooled by those handsome men, Avi."

"I know. They may satisfy my eyes, but they might not fulfill my heart's desire. You keep saying that. Just wait until a freaking handsome guy breaks your heart!"

My eyes widened in surprise. I was aware of Avi's abilities. I'm always on edge with her because she knows what she says. "Avoid breaking anything, Avi. You don't even know what that implies, and you're only twelve!"

The eyebrows of my sibling met. It let go of my hand voluntarily. Next, she muttered, "I may only be twelve years old, but my mind is as sharp as that of a woman a hundred years old. I understand what it's like to feel heartbroken. Men will shower you with gifts, compliments, and fond memories until they find someone better. Then leave you and drop you like a hot potato."

She gave me one last chuckle before turning her back on me and striding confidently up the three flights of stairs that lead to the main building. The object of her adoration, Sir Mikael, had arrived early and generously opened the door for her when she arrived. The man smiled at me in a cordial way, in spite of Avi's eyes shaped like a heart and his broad grin.

That's a heartbreak soon. I whispered.

"Good morning, Stella!" he greeted, then bowed slightly.

"Good morning, Mikael!" Avi, right in front of him, greeted him without further ado.

The man turned to my flirtatious sister. He smiled and ruffled her hair. "Good morning, little princess."

There. Broken dreams and a broken heart. ‘Little princess’ in no time.

The grin that had just emerged on Avi's face went as quickly as it had appeared. When we started walking toward the provost's office (or its counterpart, the principal's office), she became so nervous that she began to nearly whimper. After traveling for some time, we came to a stop in front of a large wooden door with a label that read "Dr. Renate Santi, Academy Provost."

The door was opened by Sir Mikael. At this same moment, Dr. Santi is seated at the table with the other individuals. Renate Santi. His affable appearance and endearing grin were simple to pick out from a crowd. The collection of antique and expensive hourglasses was what really set it apart from other similar shops, though. a wide range of shapes, hues, and types of material to choose from. It was very thrilling.

"Dr. Santi, the Suarez brothers are here." Sir Mikael said, standing behind the chair in front of Dr.'s office table. Santi.

The provost was gifted with something expensive when he heard our last name. He stood up from the seat and voluntarily approached Avi. "Finally! Finally!" He spoke with an undertone. Then he held my hands like a precious gem and stared intently at them.

Maybe Avi noticed the shock on my face. I didn't expect what it said. "Don't worry, sister. We're meant to be here. He's a friend."

"Interesting." the old provost said as he held my hands. "I am glad you are here, Stella. Tribus will keep you safe."

My concerns grew as I thought about it. Everything just felt so strange. For what reason did Avi always seem to be in the know? What does that mean, Dr. Santi of Tribus will keep me safe?

"What is going on, sir?" I was taken aback, so I asked, and he jerked back my hands to reveal his surprise.

He took a gulp before heaving a sigh. After he had finished looking at Avi, I turned around and sat down on what appeared to be an expensive chair. My sister and I were invited to join him by a gentle prod from him as he leaned forward. He rubbed the palm of her hand across the back of the other one of her hands, giving her a scratch.

"Stella, we know who you are. We know what you are capable of. That's why your father decided to keep you here because this is the only place that can secure your safety."

"A-am I in danger?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I couldn't deny the truth, which the provost already knows.

"Yes, and everyone, including the neighboring towns, will be in danger if we don't keep you here."

"Stella, I have already told dad about this. I have seen every connection of the strings. Yours is routed to something so dark. Four possible events might divert your path to that dark place, and this move is the best option. I can't break things, but I can bend them for you." It seemed that Avi wasn’t in her usual self. I knew that what she said was accurate. I have seen how her ability works.

All of her premonitions happened, and she couldn’t break them. We could not break things under any circumstances.

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