

Two days later..

I pace around the living room anxious, as I await aunt Ruth's call. My legs are hurting in my Louboutin heels but I ignore. Luke had gotten me an iPhone, a gesture he believed meant that he now trusted me completely. 

Luke had gone to work, and the house was as quiet as usual. I hadn't seen or heard from Laurel for a few days and I couldn't deny the fact that I was worried if she was alright. The Laurel I knew would have been pissing me off everyday, continuously.

Aunt Ruth's text comes in and I read. I had asked her to reach out to Rocky and José respectively. I had to know exactly what he intended to do so I could stop him on time.

Aunt Ruth; Child, for the love of God tell your husband who Rocky is! I have just spoken to Rocky and he wasn't even keen on telling me anything and was even extremely rude to me.

I text back; No, Aunt! No, please, I can never ever tell Lu

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