



“Thank you.”  What was the hesitation for?

“Sure…”  She smiled faintly before they ate in silence.  Was that hesitation because he had wanted to tell her something?  No, she was imagining it.  She had fallen for him, and now she was foolishly thinking that he felt the same.  She was not a teenager anymore, why did she have these foolish ideas?  She had learned long before that life was not a fairytale.  Why was she hoping for a fairytale now?

Once they had both finished lunch, he automatically helped her clean up.  Kara was thinking how easily they fit back into their ways when she had lived with him and she missed it desperately.

“So, show me your pig farm.”  Matthew teased while she finished putting the last things away.

She smiled.  “Sure, let’s go.”  She answered before she

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