
Becoming that kind of relationship

“I've been thinking, Ryan, are you a hybrid?”


“You know, half-human, half-wolf? Or perhaps half-vampire, half-wolf.”

“Haha, why would you think that?” I laughed, the first hearty laughs since losing Neill Weasley.

“Because your thoughts seem different from Roy's. Or is it that your thoughts are more civilized, Ryan?”

Suddenly, I started to doubt. Why did Roy bring Neil back to the castle and allow him to follow me to understand the werewolf mentality? It was because the wolfish thoughts Roy had instilled in Neill had been tainted by his own selfishness. If he were to speak the correct werewolf thoughts, they would conflict with what he had previously said. If he continued with what he had said before, Neil's thesis might be ruined. But if Neil were to ask me and I told him something different from what Roy had said, he could attribute it to the difference in our perspectives, given the few years of age difference between Roy and me. If my guess was correct, Roy Lucas, I must s
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