
My Guest

I took out Neil's phone, retrieved the blocked contacts, and found Harry's number. Using my own phone, I called him. This was the second time I had reached out to him. The first time was to keep him away from Neil, fearing he might hurt him. Now, the second time, I had hurt Neil myself and needed his help.


"It's Ryan."

"What happened to Neil?"

"Neil is dead. I caused his death."

"Ryan Lucas!"

"I know you hate me. I'll pay the price, don't worry about that."

"What do you want?"

"I need your help. I need you to get rid of three werewolves. Are you up for it?"

"Are they the ones who killed Neil?"



"First, find someone capable of protecting you all the way to Lucas Castle. Once you're at the castle, I'll protect you. This isn't just confidence—it's a promise on my life."

"Then why didn't you protect Neil with your life back then?"

I couldn't answer that question. I wanted to tell him that I realized my confidence was misplaced only now, but what use was that now? My
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