
Our Seaside Trip (6) : Men's talk

After last night's frenzy on one side and cooperation on the other, I had no idea when the gauze around Neil's neck had fallen off. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw that dry wound on his fair skin. It was a bit unusual; leaning in for a closer look, I could clearly see two round puncture marks, accompanied by minor bite marks and abrasions. Those two puncture wounds were unmistakably vampire bites. Could that brat Harry be a vampire?

The more I thought about it, the more unsettling it seemed. I immediately shook Neil awake. He was groggy and wanted to go back to sleep, considering I had finished my activities well into the night, and it was almost dawn when I was done. He had barely slept four hours before I woke him up. Seeing him still squinting, I shook him again, harder this time. I felt it necessary to get to the bottom of this.

"Neil, wake up."

"Huh? Ryan? Is it time?"

"Just wake up first, I have something to ask you." His tone became cautious upon seeing my serious expression
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