
Chapter 39

I came back to the present with tears rolling down my face. I never remembered that talk or that day—God, I wish I did remember. That would have been the last time I saw my father properly. I couldn’t hold the sobs back; the tears just kept flowing. I knew as soon as I opened my eyes I would see so many pairs of eyes on me, and I wasn’t ready to face all the questions.

I felt strong arms engulf me, and I knew straight away that it was Kai, and as much as I hated to admit it, his embrace made me feel so grounded like I could get through this and find whatever the key was inside myself. If my dad thought I could do this and unlock the power inside me, then I would do it for him as well as for Farrarie.

“I’ve got you, mi amor.”

I couldn’t speak past the lump in my throat, so all I could do was nod my head against Kai’s chest. He didn’t push me for an answer or ask what happened; he just held me,

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