
Chapter 43


Phil Radoll was never in her radar when she thought about the people who kidnapped her son. In her mind, she imagined that her son's captors were one of those men who had messed up lives and wanted money to start their life afresh.

Beep. Beep. Beep. The machines around Seth's room sounded in rhythm reminding her that her son escaped death that too from a person she thought was family. Her brother Gustavo offered to come and stay with Seth while she got coffee.

She really needed it. She hadn't slept a wink afraid that any time she closed her eyes her son would disappear. Getting to the coffee machine, she halted just before the little room with the word 'Chapel' inscribed on the board above it.

The least she could do was thank God for her son being alive and well.

"I'm saying I'm tired. Tired of trying to act like a hero and ending up being hurt. I acted like a hero when you were in a mess look where's it gotten me. I'm losing my
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