
Now or never

"This is your appointment letter. You will start working in the finance from tomorrow."

Gael gave the letter to the man in black who took the envelope and opened it.

"But why so sudden boss?"

"You have one month to find out all the secrets."

"Yes boss."

"You can go now."

As the man left, Gael was deep in thoughts that he could not even hear when his grandfather entered the room. He sat in front of Gael.

"What are you thinking so hard that you did not realize that I am here?"

"Nothing much." Gael smiled looking at his grandfather.

"Is everything alright at the hospital?"


"You can leave the position if you want you. Just take care of what you were doing earlier."

The old man had already made a decision while Gael shook his head gently.

"I will take care of it. Do not worry."

"Your uncle is offended that...." Mr Greyson left the sentence in middle.

Gael knew what that meant. Mr Greyson had two sons and a daughter not including the illegitimate son. After the death of Gael's father
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