


I stared up at our faces smiling back from that glossy magazine cover, heart pounding so loudly I could barely hear the confused murmurs rippling through the crowd over the roaring in my ears. Dad was finally seeing the proof of Ella's identity, of our relationship, laid bare before his very eyes.

Oh no, this is really bad... My throat worked furiously as I swallowed past the lump of dread lodged there. What was Dad going to do now that the truth was out? Go after the love of my life in retaliation like he'd threatened before?

Panic seized my chest as I forced my eyes away from the cover shot.

Sweeping my frantic gaze across the room, I half-expected to find Dad's glare already boring into me from somewhere, that harsh scowl spread across his face.

But then I spotted him - seated amongst the crowd, brow furrowed in confusion as he squinted at the stage. His glasses were off, I realized with a jolt. Dad didn't have his glasses on, so he couldn't properly see whose images
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