


"Alright guys, bring it in!" Coach's voice rang out sharply.

We all quickly assembled around him in a tight circle, our sneakers squeaking against the hardwood court.

"Listen up," he said, "This is it. The final game to decide this whole tournament is here."

He jabbed a finger at my chest. "And we wouldn't have made it this far without Trent being captain."

An applause broke out from the guys as they reached over to pound me on the back. My gaze slid over to where Damien's friends were clustered, their arms firmly crossed with scowls on their faces.

I smirked lazily in their direction. "What's the matter, fellas? Too choked up with pride for your new captain to join in?"

Marcus's jaw tightened as he opened his mouth, but Coach cut him off with a furious look.

"Save it for after the game," he growled. "Because if you idiots cost us this championship, you'll be removed from the team..."

Marcus and the others exchanged sullen looks before finally bringing their hands togeth
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