
Chapter 37 - thanksgiving


I stared at that statement. They doesn't want to go to Adamos house, do they?

" Excuse-me, What? " I stammered.

" I want to meet the father of my grandson," he explained, "Your mother and I will change at the hotel, and come back here to pick up you and the Green girl.”

" Dad, I can't bring guests to a lunch where I've already been invited," I tried to argue, following them to the door, "it would be rude!”

" See Carl, and we thought the etiquette classes were a total waste of money," my mother sighed with false pride.

" You're right, it would be impolite, but the man invited us," my father reassured me, "by the way, it would be rude of him not to invite his own son's grandparents!”

I felt a wave of panic start to wash over me. They can't come today! Not when all his family and friends will be there!

" But... " I couldn't think of any other way to avoid that meeting.

" Samantha, let's put it this way. Either we meet him today, or we meet him at another time, without your sup
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