
Chapter 42

*Faith POV*

I put my phone down and wipe a stray tear from my eye. That was so much more complex than I could have ever imagined. Having a terrible parent I understand, I have one too but having one who emotionally abuses you and manipulates you for the good of only herself? That's something I can't quite wrap my head around. Camerons mother had essentially become his pimp, withholding the only thing of value from him. The only person who had ever really shown him any love. 

Falling back onto my bed I stare up at the little glow-in-the-dark stars and I smile softly remembering the day I put them up with dad. The dad who doted on me and told me I was his little star. The same dad who when I was sad or heartbroken over some trivial thing he would tell me it would get better and that I would get better at discerning how to do hard things. When I asked him h

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