
chapter 56

That evening everyone prepared to go out for a run , all except Giselle, Brandon and Monica who were still sulking over the fact that she was permanently staying and no matter what drama they pull, they will never be able to push her out of the pack . Rosalie didn't worry about them instead she ran along with Apollo , her mate's wolf enjoying the cold breeze that tackled her face as she ran . She enjoyed running alongside the wolves who sometimes nudged her or nuzzle her as they looped around her in the woods . She laughed at their ticklish actions and really loved the feelings of sense of security and belonging that she was feeling for the first time in her life .

Roxanne with her browinsh red wolf nuzzled the crook of her neck and beckoned her silently to follow her . Rosalie glanced at Apollo who looked as if he was sulking but all the same nodded his fuzzy black head and let her run after Roxanne who led her to the forest opening with a stream

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