

It was a Saturday, and I had recently started working out in Christian’s home gym, and I was just rounding up a session. I took a big chug from my water bottle and went up the stairs with my sweat soaked towel in hand. My phone rang just as I closed the door to my room behind me. It was Olivia.

“Hey.” I greeted.

“Are you pregnant?”

“Huh? Did you just ask if I’m pregnant?”

“Yes. Are you?” She inquired again.

“No, Olivia, I’m not pregnant. Now what is this about?” I asked, tiredly reaching to sit down on the floor.

“You don’t know,” Olivia’s voice cracks. “You really have no idea.”

I’m suddenly alert. “What’s going on Liv? What are you talking about?”

“There’s… there’s stories coming out about you.”


“Yeah, about you and Christian.”

My stomach dropped to my feet, and now I knew that the shaking of my knees wasn’t just from the intense workout routine I had just done. “Send them to me.”

“Hazel, I think it’s better if you don’t see them.” Olivia says slowly.

Shit. I ignored her and
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