



I was terrified when I saw her in that state. I ran to her and got on my knees next to her so I could cradle her head on my leg.

“Grandma, what’s wrong? What happened? Who did this to you?”

She was strong just a few hours ago before I left to attend to Midi. Even though she was an elder, she was still hale and hearty. Someone must have harmed her in some way, and I would make them regret the day they were born for doing this to her.

“No on h.harmed me, my s.sweet child.” Her voice was so weak, and I could barely hear her words as she spoke.

I had to lean down and get closer in order to hear her, despite my advanced shifter hearing.

“I need to get you to the pack doctor, right now.” I said as I tried to move her in a position that I could lift her up.

She looked so frail all of a sudden, like she had aged a few centuries in the time it took for me to handle Midi’s tantrums and get here to meet her. If not for the damn female ordering me around and forcing me to stay there agai
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