



My legs were like jelly when he was done with me, so he carried me from the office to his room. I made a sound of protest as he passed my room because I wanted him to drop me there first, but he ignored me. When we got to his room, he carried me straight to the shower. My clothes were already in shreds so he just set me down and whatever pieces of it was left on me slid off on its own. He undressed with one hand while the other stayed around my waist to hold me up. Then he carried me into the shower and set me down again. I leaned on him and put my head on his chest so I could feel his heartbeat, and he wrapped his arms around me with his chin on my head as he slowly stroked my hair.

The warm water from the shower felt good, but not as good as the warmth from his skin, and the comfort his touch gave to me. Even my wolf was uncharacteristically silent as she basked in the presence of her mate. Moments like these were surreal and perfect, where I could just be Adaira, the fe
Ethereal ink

Running away so no one tries to strangle me after reading this chapter.

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