
2. Logan — Blood


Hounds never attack in groups.

The sound of the warning bell reverberated through the territory, and I shot into a sitting position. Cautioning Frey about the hound attack, I moved to my weapon compartment and pulled out a crossbow and a quiver of arrows. This was the perfect time to put the skills I learned from pack training to good use.

I emerged through the entrance of the pack house and met three ragged wolves approaching. I shot the first wolf. The second and third plummeted toward me. My fur tore through my body and I leapt toward them, shifting into a large black furred wolf. We stumbled down the stairs, and I landed a heavy blow at the other wolf's jugular. I dragged him away as his blood splashed on my fur and coated the earth. At the sound of my snarl, the other wolf escaped with a broken leg.

Fucking Hounds! Their bites were fatal.

Hounds weren't only attacking the pack house. I heard the screams of the men, women, and children trying to defend themselves. I howled, signaling the other wolves in the pack. Making toward my enemies, I slayed every one that came at me, leaving their blood as a trail and a warning. There was this tremendous amount of power that enveloped me, and I channeled it into saving my people.

I was heading toward the tree line where the patrol wolves had taken charge when I smelt Frey's scent. She was out here.

I squinted through the field of blood and bones, and I saw her and Tyler warding off the new hounds that were heading for the pack house. A hound took advantage of my distraction and plunged toward me, and we stumbled down the path. I bit into his hind limb and he howled in agony. Swiping my claws at him, I ripped off his fur. I slammed him into the earth, pinning him with my paw and snarling at him. I ripped a chunk out of his jugular and left him to bleed to death.

I turned to Frey and saw her heading to the children by the tree line. They were other hounds that were aiming for her. I sprinted toward them. I wasn't sure if I could make it. Hounds surrounded Frey and the kids. At that moment, I planned the possibilities. What if I lost my chosen mate, the mother of my unborn child? What if hounds kill these scared, innocent kids? I was closer.

I — just — needed — to — push — harder — just — a — little — bit — harder.

The wolves leapt at them, but I was just in time to save them. I tore the hounds apart and tossed their carcass across the field.

“Take the children inside now.”

I waited until she made it into the pack house, and I headed off to save Tyler from the hounds circling him.

When the hounds figured out we outmatched and outnumbered them, we'd already killed dozens. Although we lost wolf bloods, we protected and defended our pack. We held our line.


Night Shade territory was a safe space until now. Last night hounds breached our home and attacked our loved ones, leaving a stench of death and grief in their wake.

It was morning and the golden yellow rays of the sun had risen through the skies, enlivening the tranquil woods of the territory. I stood in front of the healer's enclave, watching as they wheeled the injured and dead into the hospital. The patrols had checked every inch of the territory, ensuring that there weren't any signs of hounds left.

Hounds were werewolf creatures that craved the blood of their fellow shifters. They were an abomination of Lycanthropy and the pack exiled them centuries ago. I'm surprised because hounds never work together. They never attack in groups. Why now? Because they perceived the pack was weak without an Alpha? After my father had died? I needed to protect my people with everything I had, even if it meant going after every single hound that existed.

Tyler’s presence pulled me out of my thoughts when I felt his grip on my shoulder. “How many casualties?” I asked as we moved down the stairs.

“15. Mostly parents. There are about 30 kids that lost their parents and they're too young to live on their own. What are we going to do?”

“Invite them into the pack house. Keep them as safe as possible.”

“But they're not of royal blood.” Only those deemed as royal bloods could live at the pack house. A rule made by my father.

“I don't care. Those kids need to be protected. To hell with the pack rules,” I roared, and he stepped back. There was a glint of crimson in my eyes, and he bowed his head in reverence. “I'm sorry. I was taking out my anger on you.”

“It's ok, Logan. I can sense the frustration and anger within you. I promise that the Sentinels and I will continue to do everything within our power to make sure this place is safe for the crowning ceremony.”

“Alright. Make sure that the healers feed and care for the injured. I'll go back to the pack house and see if everything is alright.”

“Sure. Be careful.” He smiled and walked into the hospital.


I bursted through the oak doors, moved down the hallway, into the common room where I met Frey sitting with the kids she saved from last night.

“I can explain.” She rose to her feet and marched toward me. I pulled her into an abrupt embrace, and she gasped before she clasped her arms around me.

“Don't scare me like that again. Are you ok? Is our baby fine?”

“Yes. Everything's fine.” She pulled away from me, then turned to the kids. I moved to the kids and knelt before them.

“Hey,” I said calmly. “How are you?”

“My mother? Is she ok?” The dark-skinned girl asked me. She was the oldest.

I tried to smile, but I couldn't. I knew what it was like to lose someone at a very young age. Losing my mother to a hound was one of my worst experiences, and that memory remained engraved in my brain. I hadn't forgotten any of the details.

“What is your name?”

“Jada. These are my siblings, Austin and Annalise. They're twins.” She pointed at the dark-skinned kids that were lying on the couch. They were asleep.

“I'm sorry. Your mother is dead. You'll stay with me and I'll take care of you and protect you.” I said, trying to keep my voice bold. I couldn't break down. Not here. These kids need me to be strong for them. This exact moment reminded me of how my father promised to take care of me, but broke his vow. I would be there for these kids no matter what life threw at me. That was a promise I was not only making to them, but to my unborn child as well.

Jada nodded, and I smiled at her as I pulled her into an embrace. The tears in her eyes fell on my shoulder and I shared her pain. It was heart wrenching, and it hurt me deeply that a young child had to handle that kind of grief.

“Are they fed?” I asked Frey when I got to my feet.

“Yes,” Frey nodded. “I sneaked home and got them breakfast.”

“There's a kitchen here. You can do whatever you want whenever you want.”

“Beta Pierson doesn't think so.” She looked down at her hands and fiddled with her finger.

“Frey, you're carrying our child — the future alpha. This pack belongs to us. You're free to do what you want,” I reminded her, and she blushed. “Come on, let's have a bath together. Get this blood off of us!”

We bathed together and cleaned ourselves up, then we pulled into fresh clothes.

Frey was busy in the dressing mirror brushing her hair when I placed a kiss on her shoulder.

“Tyler texted me. There's a meeting at the Elder Woods. I have to go.”

“Just be careful.” Frey turned and placed her hands around my shoulder. She kissed me and I smiled when our lips parted in an exhale.

“I'm afraid, Logan. I'm scared for these kids and our child,” she professed her anxiousness. “What if they attack again? I don't want to lose you.”

“Neither do I, but when I saw you last night, fighting by my side, putting those kids’ lives before yours. I didn't need more convincing. We've been together for the past two years, and I think we're ready to make it official.” I pulled out a box from my pocket and knelt in front of her. I had planned to wait until the night of the wolf moon, but the events of last night convinced me that tomorrow might not come. Any of us would have died because of the attack. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

“Frey Hemming of Night Shade Pack, will you take I, Logan, as your Alpha and husband? Will you be my wife, the mother of my children, and the Luna of Night Shade Pack?” I asked. She tried to contain the happiness within her.

“Yes. I, Frey Hemming, of Night Shade Pack, will marry you, Logan, Alpha of Night Shade Pack!” Frey squealed, and I put the royal ring on her finger. She pulled me closer and we sealed our lips in a kiss.

“I love you.”

“I love you too!”


When I arrived at the Elder Woods, Tyler was waiting for me. He patted my back as I walked into the courtroom where the Elders had gathered. The Elders were the older generation, and they created the Council that oversaw the wolf pack.

I slipped into the chair next to Tyler and smiled at him. The room was in the haze of the golden yellow light of the candles glowing from the sconces in the wall. The first elder rose from his seat to part the curtains, permitting the daylight into the apartment. He returned to his seat and cleared his throat. “Hounds breached our territory,” he stated with a dry and tottering voice. “We need to prevent this from happening again.”

“We should contact the witches to strengthen our barrier.” I said when the floor was open for suggestions.

“We are not on good terms with the witches. What makes you think that they'd be willing to help us?” The second elder inquired.

“We have to try. Hounds are working together now. They don't work together, ever. There must be a reason, and we can't let them have it.” Tyler muttered.

“Easy, they want the throne. They want to tear down the pack, our beliefs, everything we've ever worked for.” The first elder asserted. I couldn't unearth his feelings, but I was certain he was conflicted.

“Beta Tyler and I will visit the witches and hope that we're able to convince them to help us. We need that barrier before the crowning ceremony.” I asserted. I didn't think hounds were powerful enough for a hostile takeover. They were not that brilliant to make a scheme that would lead them to victory. Plus, I had so much faith in Tyler and my pack.

“What about the kids and the people that died last night?” The third elder inquired.

“We'll hold a vigil for the mourning families tonight and the children will stay at the pack house with us.” I explained.

“About the crowning ceremony… We've seen you with Frey Hemming. You know she can't be our Luna. She's not of Royal Blood, worst of all she's wolf-less.” The first elder contemplated.

“You will not speak of her like that. It's for me to decide,” I rose to my feet, seething in rage. “Personally, I think it's time we weed out archaic rules.” I added and the first elder roared, “You can't change our rules. Alphas don't mate with wolf-less she-wolves. Your father wouldn't tolerate this!”

“A word from your lips again and I'll have your tongue,” I declared, slamming my fists into the table. “I'm not my father. I'm Logan Kade. I'm the Alpha of this pack.” I finished and stalked out of the entrance.

“I'll speak to him.” I heard from Tyler as he hurried after me.

Tyler met me plodding down the path that led back to the pack house. Racing toward me, he grabbed my shoulder to slow me down. There was blazing fury in my eyes. Lately, all I'd been exuding was anger. Hounds breaching the territory made my reign, which was yet to begin, weak. I couldn't let the elders make me weaker.

“Logan, I'm not asking you to reject the woman you love because of some stupid rules. Some wolves are late bloomers. She might shift on the next wolf moon.” He said.

“What if she's not my fated mate?”

“Then you follow your heart. Many Alphas before you chose their mates. It doesn't matter what the council thinks.”

“But those chosen mates were from the royal bloodline and they had wolves,” I palmed my face in frustration. “I asked Frey to marry me and she said yes. Tyler, she's pregnant.” I chuckled. There was blatant happiness in his eyes, something I'd never seen in a long time.

“She is?” Joy overwhelmed him.

“And I don't want my child to grow up without the love of his father. It's time things changed, and if I don't make a move, no one else can.” There was this fierceness in his eyes. I didn't need more convincing that my best friend would be with me through the end.

“You've got me, brother. I promise. Come on, we have to prepare to leave for the witches.” He reminded me and we continued our walk down the path.

I had lunch with Tyler. Once we had finished lunch, we both marched to the housing structures where the Sentinels lived. I tapped on the door and their leader, Keaton Roberts, answered our call.

“Alpha. Come in.” He said and invited us into their home. We moved into the large living room where they were other wolf bloods that worked as Sentinels. Keaton asked them to leave the space, and they disappeared out of the parlor. Keaton was much older than both of us. He had a mate who died during childbirth and had successfully raised his son while grieving his wife's passing. He was also among the wolves that ensured that hounds did not overrun our pack. Keaton was a warrior.

“How did the meeting go?” He asked. Keaton moved to the wine cabinet and returned with two glasses and a bottle.

“Chaotic.” I answered.

“I don't think we should be drinking.” Tyler opted, and Keaton set the wine aside. He sat opposite us.

“I think we should invite the witches back to the pack.”

“The witches? Do you think they’ll help us?” Keaton questioned.

“I'm not using them for their power. I actually want them back in the pack where they belong.”

“That would be hard, Logan. Are you sure you're ready for a change?”

“I'll do whatever it takes to ensure the survival of every wolf blood in this pack.” I asserted. “Fine. I'll meet you at the pack house. Permit me to gather my weapons and some Betas to accompany us to our mission.”

“Of course. We'll be ready when you arrive.” I said and got to my feet. I shook hands with Keaton and marched out of the house with Tyler.

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