
Time Could Be Turned Back

 Matilda's POV.

 Entering the room, I collapsed on the bed. It feels more comfortable to spend the night in bed than in nightlife places. Is there anyone like me?

 I don't know why people can enjoy meeting lots of people, while I'm not comfortable with that. Every person is different.

 In a dark room, I took out my smartphone and turned it on. Rexton still hasn't contacted me, maybe he's still having fun with some friends.

 "Does Levin have social media?" I selected the search symbol to search for an account. "You should have one, who nowadays doesn't have a social media account?"

 For a while I waited for the loading time of the search. A few seconds passed, the results started to appear.

 There are many Levin names that I found. The number of accounts with that name reaches thousands. This will be very difficult.

 Actually, this is just my fault. I just used his nickname, not the long name that people like me usually use on social media.

 "Oh my gosh, I forgot his name," I said softly in the darkness. "Levin, Levin ... Levin." I kept saying that name over and over again and a few moments later I managed to remember the full name.

 Levin Gaillard, a handsome man with a tall body and exotic skin. His eyes are black and his current hairstyle is very cool.

 When he was in high school, he was much liked by the female students. Especially with his achievements in basketball. Every time there is a basketball match, all the female students flock to the court just to watch it. Including me.

 I once brought a sign that said Matilda supports you Levin to the field. Several friends also brought nameplates with their own writings on them. Beautiful memories.

 "Levin Gaillard." My two thumbs typed the name, then selected enter and waited for the results to come out.

 Again, there is not only one person in this world who has a name like him. I looked at several accounts, looking at his profile photo if available, but I didn't find any accounts that looked like his.

 Even so, I still tried. I noticed several accounts in the same way. Until finally after looking at several accounts, one account made me believe that this was indeed his.

 The account named Levin Gaillard does not have a profile photo, which is because he is too closed. One thing that made me very sure was that there was a post with a location overseas.

 "This must be his account." I said, without thinking for a long time, immediately followed the account.

 I didn't get much information. I couldn't find Levin's photo there either. There is nothing else that convinces me that this account belongs to Levin other than the location point he shared in one of the posts.

 A voice call came into the smartphone in my hand, Rexton's name was displayed on it.

 I accepted the voice call and held the smartphone to one ear. "Hello, are you home?"

 "Yeah, what about you?"

 "I've also arrived back at my room."

 "How was the meeting? Did you enjoy it?"

 "Like meeting with friends usually, I don't really like it."

 I heard him laughing there. "You are not fit to attend such meetings, Babe."

 "You're right. Do you feel there's something wrong with me?"

 "No, no, Babe. Of course there's nothing wrong with you. Everyone has different comfort levels."

 "Thank you for understanding me."

 "I will always understand you." He gave me a kiss, I heard it clearly. "Do you have time?"

 "Why? Where are you taking me?"

 "Beach? Lake?"

 "I don't feel like going."

 "Then I'll just visit your house."

 "That's better, you can also get closer to mom."

 "I want that too." He exhaled. "Then go to sleep, you must be tired."

 "You're right, I'm quite tired today. Are you going to sleep too?"

 "Hm, I'm going to sleep."

 "Good night, have a nice dream, Baby."

 "Yes, you too."

 Voice call disconnected.

 I put the smartphone next to the pillow, my body curled up under the blanket and started to close my eyes.

 Even though I'm tired, I'm actually not that sleepy yet. I can stop myself from sleeping for a while, it's just that I don't know what to do and I don't have the need for anything tonight.

 The sound of the smartphone made me open my eyes again, I decided to check what had just happened on the smartphone.

 "Oh my God ... Oh my God, is this for real?" My body was half sitting on the bed, I was silent for a moment staring at the lit smartphone screen.

 A notification flashed in the notification bar. Some of them area social media account named Levin Gaillard who followed back and several messages he sent.

 I was silent for a few moments, my eyes didn't even blink when I saw the notification.

 "Hello, is this Matilda? This is my account, Levin."

 "Matilda, aren't you asleep yet?"

 "I hope we can talk tonight. Do you miss school days?"

 "If you haven't slept, reply to my message immediately. I'm waiting for you."

 Without realizing it, my lips smiled reading the messages. It turns out that the account really belongs to Levin and I managed to find it.

 My two thumbs immediately danced across the screen, typing a reply message to Levin's account from the notification bar.

 Chatting via social media might be a little dangerous for me. I told Rexton that if I was going to sleep, if I opened my social media it would be clear when I was last active.

 "Hi, Levin, call me on this number. I also want to talk to you."

 The message was sent in just a few seconds. My lips smiled when I saw that, soon if Levin had opened my message, he would definitely contact me.

 I haven't felt this feeling in a long time. The heart is beating fast and the stomach suddenly feels nauseous. This feeling is like when Rexton just approached me.

 A voice call appears on the smartphone. Instantly sweat soaked my body, my breath was a little short because my heart was beating faster. Even though I was just lying in the room, I felt like I had run for miles.

 "Hello." I said, picking up the call.

 "Hi, Matilda. Are you home yet?"

 "Y--yes, I'm already home. Y--you--" I was a little awkward.

 "Me too, just got home."

 "Glad to hear that." I was silent for a moment. "Since when have you worked there?"

 "Not long ago, about a week ago."

 Again I was silent, I didn't know what to say or ask him. It felt very awkward like two strangers who had just met.

 Meanwhile my heart was still beating fast. I can't control it well yet. Every time I heard his voice, the beat seemed to increase. What is this feeling?

 "About a month ago I came back. Now I don't have many friends, not like before."

 "That's because you went far away and lost contact for a long time."

 "You're right, if only I had stayed here. If I knew I would come back again, maybe I would have chosen to stay here."

 "You won't come back then?"

 "My father said that, we moved countries for a long time. Turns out it was only four years."

 "Four years is also a long time."

 Levin laughed. "You're right, but previously I thought I would stay in that country for decades. Not just four years."

 "Oh, do you want to go back there?"

 "If so, will ... you miss me?"

 I was silent for a few moments, this question felt more difficult than the questions I got on the exam.

 In my mind I thought about Rexton, he was a good, loving wolfman and never hurt me. I shouldn't betray him, right?

 "Matilda, are you still there?"

 "Huh, um ... s--sorry. What did you say?"

 "Oh my, are you daydreaming? I said would you miss me if I left here again?"

 "As a friend, of course I miss you."

 Levin laughed, I don't know what was so funny about that answer. "As friends? What do you expect us to be?"

 "N--no, th--that's not what I meant, Levin. You don't--"

 "Yeah, yeah, I know what you mean, Matilda. I just wanted to test you, apparently you're the same as before."

 "You're not much different either, still as nosy as before."

 He laughed again. "It's late, go to sleep."

 "You too, take a rest, you must be tired."

 "Thank you, Matilda. Good night, have a nice dream."

 "Yes, you too."

 My heart felt very happy, without realizing it my lips smiled to express the joy that happened tonight. Two men bid me good night, both men I admire.


 At eight in the morning I left the room, while the lazy Amelie was definitely still snoring in her room.

 Mom was washing the dishes and I saw it looked like she was going to make waffles. I intend to help her.

 Maybe I'll make some extra waffles too because today my boyfriend is coming to visit. I haven't told mom that yet, just as a surprise. Not long after the waffles were finished being made, the lazy girl finally came out of the room.

 "What are your plans today, Amelie?" Mom asked her.

 "I still have some paperwork to do, Mum."

 "You are still working on holidays." She said, then got up and went to the kitchen.

 "That's it, you should do it before the deadline arrives." I couldn't help but speak up.

 "I've tried, Matilda, but I have too much work. I'm also tired and want to go on holiday."

 "No need to complain, you yourself want to work there."

 "As for you, what are your plans for today?" Mama now asks me.

 I moved my shoulders upwards simultaneously. "I don't know yet."

 Mom turned her head. "Then you just come with me."

 "Where to?" My forehead frowned.

 "Market, I have to buy some groceries which are starting to run out. I hope you can help me carry lots of things like Amelie usually does."

 I couldn't refuse, in my heart I hoped that my departure with my mother wouldn't take too long.

 I hav

en't helped her for a long time because I've been busy working. As her only biological child, I feel responsible for her.

 "When shall we leave?" I asked while finishing the waffle.

 "In a moment, be ready."

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