

Angelina's POV

Winston didn't let me go back to the room with him.

Did I really want to go back to the room with him?

I didn't know how to answer that question for sure but I was sure of one thing. I didn't know what was happening to me.

All my life I had kept a healthy distance from men, and now I was feeling these intense emotions for someone that almost had me stripped naked and flogged after he kidnapped me, the same person that had my father in a cell and was holding both of us captive.


I felt like killing myself and getting all of this done and over with. I felt like a betrayal even, like I was betraying myself and I was betraying my father too because what the hell was I even feeling? Why was I feeling this way for crying out loud?


I hate this.

I hated this room.

I hated this bed.

I hated these clothes.

The pastel purple shirt I had been given and simple jean pants almost made me feel like I was back in my normal life, going for a run early in the morning before I
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