

Angelina's POV

The fact that Winston was acting nicer to me didn't really surprise me. I mean he had always been like this.

Cold one moment and warm the next. I was the one who always kept falling for the warm attitude that he always gave sometimes so I ended up getting hurt the most when he did something cold to me, but now I wouldn't even so much as look his way twice.

Ella had been watching me ever since the encounter with Winston. She looked at me like I was something special now, someone that could not be touched but I didn't want her to look at me like that. She was my only friend and I would hate for her to start seeing me as someone that Winston would do anything for.

She would be believing a lie and I didn't want that.

So I promoted her to Assistant Supervisor of the maids.

"You look like a potato."

She burst out laughing at that and even I couldn't hold back the laughter that bubbled up in me.

She had been staring at me. We were both supposed to be taking turns supervising
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